Neat Abnormal Behavior Psychology Quizlet

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Abnormal behavior psychology quizlet. People being so incapacitated by a mental disorder that they cannot provide for their basic needs. Behavior Therapy-parents and teachers learn how to reward attentiveness or self-control in the children often placing them on a token economy program. Combination Therapy-Combining behavioral and drug therapies is the most desirable because according to research shildren who receive both treatments require lower levels of medication.
Abnormal behavior can be explained by the operation of supernatural and magical forces. Start studying Abnormal Behavior - Psychology. The branch of psychology that is concerned with the study of abnormal behavior.
Supernatural Biological and Psychological The Past. DSM-5 style and issue. A legal process by which an individual can be forced to undergo mental health treatment.
Behavior that is atypical or statistically uncommon within a particular culture or that is maladaptive or detrimental to an individual or to those around that individual. Chapter 12 vocab for psych. Exorcism Religious ritual that attributes disordered behavior to possession by demons and seeks to treat the individual by driving the demons from the body.
Give it a try and share its success with us. - The presence of many problems related to taking the substance - These include using more of the substance than intended truing unsuccessfully to stop having physical or psy ch ological problems made worse by the drug and experiencing problems at work or with friends. A cognitive behavior therapy that emphasizes the importance of logical rational thought processes.
Psych 101 chapter 2. Terms in this set 124 Historical Views of Abnormal Behavior. Abnormal Behavior and the Supernatural Tradition y Deviant Behavior as a Battle of Good vs.