Spectacular Create Revision Cards

After printing the PDF cut on the solid lines and fold on the dotted line - instant flash cards.
Create revision cards. You can use them to test yourself online or print them off and fold them to make double-sided cards. Tell us what youre studying and when youre free to revise. I have used Pilot pens supplied by Ryman.
This will give you the perfect size for printable flashcards. We also have a tool that allows you to create revision cards that you can either print out or use to test yourself online. HOW TO MAKE THE PERFECT FLASHCARDS REVISION CARDSThe videos from this weekMonday- How to Organise your Life.
Create custom cards in minutes with Canvas free card maker. Create flash cards online and well make studying fast and fun. Students login to the learning portal to complete coursework track progress and access new quizzes.
Take an index card the lovely people at Ryman the stationer provided the ones Ive used in the video. Forget about generic shop-bought cards. The easiest way to make and study flashcards.
Httpsyoutubet4DfkvcP-c8Tuesday- How to Ma. Create small cards with questions on. Start Designing a Card.
Keep making flashcards until youve covered all. Create your Study Planner. Log in Sign up.