Favorite Chord Flashcards App

23 Laminated Guitar Chords Music Flashcards.
Chord flashcards app. Piano Chord Flash Cards is designed to improve your chord notes reading. Flash cards are widely used as a learning exercise to help memorize by marked repetition. AptApp2 Music Audio.
Create your own flash cards. Flashcards are widely used as a learning drill to aid memorization by way of spaced repetition. Flashcards are widely used as a learning drill to aid memorization by way of spaced repetition.
The piano chord flash card is designed to improve chord reading notes. With a music library of more than 800000 songs you will easily find the chords and lyrics to all your favorite songs. 7 Decks - 98 Cards.
Print or download them to develop your guitar playing. The visual design of the flashcards in the app is excellent. Flashcards are widely used as a learning drill to aid memorization by way of spaced repetition.
These cards are included with every Loog guitar. Check out similar apps to Piano Chords Flash Cards - 8 Similar Apps 18 Reviews. This app features flashcards to develop piano note reading and chord recognition on the treble and bass clef suitable for all Piano Players in any style of music.
This app features flashcards to develop a better understanding of note reading and chord recognition for the ukulele. Ultimate Guitar is our favorite from over 600 apps for song lyrics and chords. Over 130 chords including Major Minor Diminished Augmented Dominant 7 Major 7 Minor 7 9th Major 6 and Minor 6.